We offer a simple, versatile and flexible road freight transportation service that allows our customers to transport any type of goods from the place of production or storage to the point of delivery or consumption without cargo breakage, in a fast and relatively economical way.

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Warehousing of goods different handling equipment and specific storage solutions in order to reduce costs and achieve greater efficiency in the warehousing process; from the time products are received from suppliers until orders are sorted for shipment to customers.

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We perform a comprehensive diagnosis of your assets and provide solutions. Thanks to the inventory process we manage your merchandise and let you know the status and location of your products. Allowing us to respond adequately to your needs as a customer and to our logistics.

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These are the registrations, permits, authorizations, mandatory notifications and certificates that must be complied with by certain goods for their subsequent entry into Ecuadorian territory.

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Our company offers other complementary services such as wholesale purchasing agency, merchandise inspection, factory inspection and everything you need during your import process from China.

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We have a network of customs brokers at the service of our customers in order to reduce costs and increase the efficiency and speed of the procedures for the export and import of our cargo. We are authorized to manage any customs process from the main logistic points of Ecuador.

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The purpose of this insurance is to cover the loss or damage of goods or valuables during transportation, whether by sea, river, land or air.
The coverages of the transportation policy are divided according to the type of transportation, the type of good and especially depending on the geographical location where such good or merchandise will be transported:
Import transportation: covers imports of merchandise pertaining to the line of business.
Export transportation: covers exports of merchandise pertaining to the line of business.
Domestic transportation: covers the movement of the insured’s merchandise, which is part of the insured’s line of business.
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Main Objective
To achieve an optimal performance in all logistic operations required by our clients, believing in constant improvement and our contribution to the efficiency and effectiveness of Ecuadorian companies.


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